Thursday, March 17, 2011

OMG, What a week!!!!!

This has been a crazy week.  Okay, so most of it is about my personal life and not about the Sanctuary.  But still it has kept me from updating you on what is happening with the Sanctuary.  It has also kept me from doing much of anything I want.

As I've mentioned, I am currently in grad school working on a masters in economics.  This was finals week.  I also had a paper due this week.  So I've spent most of my free time studying and writing my paper.  10 pages on underemployment.  I won't bore you with the details of that here.

I've also had a day and a half of team building with my new department at work.  Not that I have a new job, just a new boss.  And my team has been realigned with other teams.  So I haven't gotten much done at work, and know that tomorrow is going to be crazy trying to catch up.

But on the good new side, I also had a phone interview with a company much closer to home.  But enough about me.

We just received our permits for the animals.  This is the permit to own and breed them. We are now licensed to have 2 foxes, 2 raccoons and 1 skunk.  So now we just have to wait until the new babies are ready.  The fox & raccoon should be ready to be picked up in May and the skunk in June.

Well, "just wait" isn't the right term.  We have to build pens, and figure out what skunks eat.  We have  a lot of prep work to do.  We are also waiting for our education permit so we can take the animals to schools.

On that last note, we were just asked by our boys' daycare/preschool if they could have a class trip to our house to see the animals.  So we are really getting started with it.

We have an offer to help with our website, so we need to provide pictures and ideas.  We are ready to get business cards made up, so now we need a logo.

OMG!!!!! It never ends.  All this is happening without even submitting our application for tax-exempt status.  I really need to get back to that soon!!!!

Any volunteers to help out?  Besides Dan for offering with the website, a great big thank you!!!!!!  

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